The bishops, archbishops and cardinals of the American Catholic Church must stop their intense intrusive interference in the 2008 American Presidential election. As citizens, they are entitled to their opinions; but, as churchmen, they are abusing their power. To advocate that Catholics vote for a candidate or party solely on the basis of one issue, abortion, is not only irresponsible, but reflective of their ignorance about so many other crucial issues of life in America and the world.
As a a Catholic layman and graduate of a major Catholic university (in the Midwest), Catholic high school (in coastal southern California) and Catholic grammar school (north New Jersey coast), I resent their Vatican-led charge back into 19th Century mentality. Frankly, I believe their current involvement in politics is a deliberate distraction, an attempt to reassert the influence they lost as a result of the Catholic priests' sexual abuse scandal. It seems particularly odd that these "men" are so concerned about abortion when they allowed and participated in the extraordinarily widespread sexual abuse of children by priests in Catholic dioceses throughout the United States. Many in the hierarchy are criminals who have not faced trial.....and, probably, never will! .....and, yet, we laymen are expected to behave like their "sheep" and follow their pronouncements on matters of theology......and, apparently, politics.
I have known and benefited from many fine, dedicated Catholic priests, brothers and nuns in my life: Jesuits, Holy Cross Fathers, Brothers of St. Patrick and Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill and others. But, the Catholic hierarchy, to me, are pontificating, self-serving hypocrites, who a college classmate of mine, a life long journalist from New England, once characterized as "not very Christ-like !".
As a Catholic husband and father, I have resolved that the hierarchy are irrelvant to my life until they are purged and punished for their misdeeds to the Catholic children and women of America. I don't expect that to occur in my lifetime, if ever. As a citizen of the United States of America, I will ignore the political pronouncements of these corrupt "men", follow my own conscience, and vote for the only Presidential candidate who honorably and truely reflects the virtues of faith, hope and charity proclaimed by the Catholic Church, Senator Barack Obama!
Please consider the following about the Catholic vote. My thanks to the author and the Los Angeles Times.,0,6174226.column
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11 years ago