Greetings from Colorado:
It is Thursday, August 28, 2008. This evening, Senator Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for President at Invesco Field at Mile High, less than eight miles from our location here in Golden, Colorado.
A dramatic opportunity arises from this event for those of us who are older than the Senator from Illinois. America's future is at stake! We Old Fellows can make a decisive strike for the future of our children and future generations of Americans. Let's set aside our past shallowness and mistakes and demonstrate our acquired wisdom. Let's show that we are capable of meaningful consequential analysis of the Presidential candidates. The disastrous tenure of the Current Occupant ( Thank you, Garrison Keillor ) demands that we have dramatic change in the Presidency. It will take One Very Smart Person and his talented, ethical appointees to get America out of this mess! Will it be a very bright man from top universities or an individual who graduated in the bottom one percent of his college class ? You know, in your heart and in your mind, that Senator Barack Obama is the only candidate of the two who can take on this challenge. No matter what our individual political persuasions may be, Senator Obama is the ONLY choice for America's future!
Let's get the United States of America back on the critical path to American idealism and success!
Become an Old Fellow For Obama (an OFFO) today!
Nothing New…..just Pay, Pray and Obey!
11 years ago